It's always a terrible tragedy when a young life is lost. So many kids die every year senselessly; wrong place, wrong time, wrong crowd...etc. Watching the outrage and publicity stunts over the weekend from so many celebrities and activists it occurred to me that maybe a cold dose of reality is in order...
Where's the outrage on behalf of the lawful role played by a neighborhood watch leader in a community that had experienced several robberies and crimes in the past with many more prevented because of the diligence of the watch?
Where's the outrage on behalf of a law abiding citizen, exonerated by a jury of his peers, who lost months of his life in hiding? How about the enormous financial, emotional and physical cost for this man and his family? Not to mention the threats, past and present, all for conducting his lawful role of patrolling and protecting his community.
Where's the outrage on behalf of ousted former Sanford Police Chief Bill Lee? Seems that he may have been right all along...shouldn't he be the first to be reinstated?
Where's the outrage on behalf of the tens of thousands of young people who are in harms way and often killed in America's most dangerous cities, a few right here in the Garden State, with no hope of rising above the commonplace crime and gang culture?
Did you notice that some of the same people who celebrated the OJ verdict are now condemning this one? Seems that there might be racism involved...but where I wonder? Would there be the same outcry if Zimmerman were African-American? OR if Martin wasn't?
And perhaps the most egregious point being raised is the ignorant comparison by Zimmerman detractors to Medgar Evers. Have any of these folks read history? Evers was a champion who served his country and spoke out against terrible racial injustice only to be murdered for his principles. This case isn't that...not even close.
Can't help but wonder why, if this was so simple a case of profiling and racism, as the current protesters claim, media and activist groups felt compelled to alter the presentation of the 911 call recordings to paint a distorted picture? The disinformation campaign continued when the picture used to portray the shooting victim was that of a ten year old innocent looking boy used repeatedly to drive emotions against Zimmerman before the trial even began...Of course this was all rejected when the facts & evidence came out in court...the battered back of Zimmerman's head for starters...
I understand that this is a hot emotional issue, but lets get to the root of it...people are upset because another young life ended too early...they should be. But the circumstances, the laws, and the jury shed light on another angle of this story. The one that shows another victim whose name is George Zimmerman.
Evidence points to a thoughtful man, dedicating his time to serving his community. He was put in a position where he had to make serious decisions in seconds and maybe, just maybe if he didn't fear for his life while his head was being bashed into the sidewalk, he would have made different decisions and Martin would be alive today.
Let's have the discussion about Stand-Your-Ground laws, whether community watches should be armed, whether race is a legit issue in similar cases, but for this case, make no mistake...justice was served.
Thanks, Bill. Sensible, as usual.